WBS Phase - Revenue Recognition Method

Use the binoculars to review the log.

Yes, I used the binoculars and was able to view the PElog. I did not see the “WBS-Phase” error message anymore in the PElog so does that mean the error went away? Would we have expected to continue to see the error message until we corrected the error?

I would have expected to continue to see the error, it must have not prevented the posting from happening.

When I try viewing the PE Log, I am getting the message ‘XML cannot be loaded’. Does this mean the PE log did not generate or there were no errors? Is it possible the file is too large?

There is a button in the PE log window to clear the PE log file, I would do this then run the process again.

We’re still getting the error message and upon viewing the PE Log, where do we begin to look at where the error is coming from? We ran a sql query against the project.conrevmethod field and all our projects are set to ‘manual’ for the rev rec method.

Check the job that this labor record relates to and see if the project phase is valid on the job header.

You may also want to query your ProjPhase.RevMethod as you can set the method by phase too.

Mark W.

The ProjPhase.RevMethod does not exist when I run a query agains the ProjPhase table. Where is this method set in the phase?

Is the job and labor record indicated in the error message in the PE Log? Is it the Key1 and Key2 fields up above the error message? Where do I look to see which job the error is related to?

Key1 = LaborHedSeq
Key2 = LaborDtlSeq

Query the LaborDtl table to get the related job.

Hmm. Could be an E10 thing…

Turns out that if on the Job, there is a Project ID without a Project Phase, we get the error. Any thoughts why Project Phase would be null if there is a Project ID?