Time and Expense

It would still be easier to just to it in MES. You only need the employee number to do it.

If you really want I’m sure @Chris_Conn can show you a custom coded way to do it. :wink:


:joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy: Oh How I love Code!!

But in the end, if I could write something to clock everyone out eveyday at like 7pm at the latest, That may be the easiet way to fix this issue.

Clock someone out, run a trace, then you can code that for future use. If it were me, I would just make a BAQ gadget that shows a list of people clocked in with a clock in date of less that today. Then, whenever they show up, you know who to talk to and can clock them out. But you can get fancier if you really want to. We run payroll through MES so it’s more important that those are right for us.

No, just thinking ahead. I am going ot make the baq and have the department heads run it every night to see who is still in. Then they can go and get them to fix it. I just know eventually I will be asked to do something fancier. LOL! Of course, I think training the employees is pretty high tech! :slightly_smiling_face:

why not use the dashboard that is already there? Or use the baq gadget for them so they don’t have to manually run it?

Good point. That would work, just have to make sure everyone can see it, and I believe they can already. So, hey, one less job for me!

I propose a progressive web app that polls its GPS and when the employee has left the building, a REST query will check if they logged out then vibrates* the phone with a notification and asks if they want to be logged out.

  • electric shock optional


that polls its GPS and when the employee has left the building, a REST query will check if they logged out then vibrates* the phone with a notification and ask if they want to be logged out

That actually probably wouldn’t be too crazy to implement


- Steve


Yeah, I could see that it would work. But not wanting to do that. I’ll stick with training employess and supervisors. But it is a cool idea!!

It’s probably easier than that…


Quite possibly!

I’m not a fan of clocking everyone out at a given time, “assuming” they have left unless you only using quantity only reporting. If they are on a time and quantity activity, or in indirect, you can grossly overstate costs (indirect overhead or manufacturing variances). For example, someone clocks into a job at 6 a.m. that is supposed to take 1/2 hour but then never clocks off. You clock them out at 7 pm and now there are 13 hours of cost on that job.

Training employees is definitely they way to go…


@Chris_Conn What if I get this error? I am not very familiar writing BAQs.

I am aware this topic is very old. But any help would be appreciated.
Thank you,

You can’t modify an entry that is approved. You have to recall it, make the change, and then resubmit it. Just like you do in the UI on time and expense entry.

@Banderson I don’t see an option to recall in MES.

You can’t do that in MES, you need to go to time and expense in the full client. It’s not normal that you would give people with only MES access the ability to change time and expense records.

@Banderson, the Time & Expense for that particular employee doesn’t show that transaction. That is why I am having such a hard time deleting or adjusting that specific transaction. I can see it in the Job Tracker, but not in the Time & Expense module.

I appreciate all the help.

Make sure you are looking at the date for the clock in date, on the header, not the date for the dtl clock in. If they didn’t clock out for a few days, the detail will show a different date than the header. But when you are selecting it in time and expense, it will show on the header clock in date.

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If you you make this BAQ, you will see that they are not always the same.

