Menu security for tasks found on Action menu

I have customized the Process Payments user interface found in the Action drop down in Payment Entry. I need to make the changes available to users but I can’t find where to do this. It doesn’t appear in Menu Security.

Any tips on where user security is assigned for “Rpt.ProcessPayment.ProcessPaymentForm”



The solution I know of requires a menu item that points directly to it. It won’t load if you access it directly, so you don’t have to worry about people using that menu item.

  1. Create a menu item somewhere and change its Program to the DLL for the process key, in this case Epicor.Mfg.UIRpt.ProcessPayment.dll (found in the Epicor client folder).
  2. Set the menu item’s customization to the customization you created for Process Payments.
  3. Set the menu item’s security so anyone can access it, or at least the people who should use the Process Payments item. Anyone who doesn’t have access will get an error upon pressing Process Payments saying they’re not authorized for that menu item.
  4. Go to System Management > Utilities > Process Calling Maintenance. Create a new record where Called Process Reference is the process key (Epicor.Mfg.UIRpt.ProcessPayment), Called From is the calling app (Epicor.Mfg.UI.PaymentEntryEntry), and Menu ID is the menu item you created. Then save it.

Upon people restarting Epicor, when they access Process Payments, they’ll go to your customization. As confirmation, when you have Developer Mode enabled and see the Process Calling box, the menu ID will now be filled in.

Perfect. That worked. Thank you!
I did have to play with it a little. I had to include the .dll extension for the program/process key in Menu Security. And it didn’t appear to connect with the entry in Process Calling Maintenance until I removed the .dll extension from the corresponding field.