Epicor Portal Explorer adding web part

Anyone able to help me with the Epicor Portal Explorer tool and adding a web part to the sharepoint site?

I have the BAQ written. It looks like I have the BAQ attached in the Data Explorer, now I am stuff trying to get the view to show up on the site.

It’s been a while, let me look at my notes and send you some steps later tonight.

Can’t find my notes, so I will give you the quick rundown. Let me know where you are running into an issue.

Assuming you have the baq working in the portal date explorer.

Within sharepoint, edit the page and insert a webpart, you should see Epicor Portal under categories. Add the Epicor Portal webpart.
There is also a Miscellaneous Category which has additional web parts.

Link to view. Enter the URL to the portal server. Http://portalserver/epicorportal

You will see your my workspace folders. Navigate the folders and select the BAQ.

Let me know if you get that far.

Got it. Now I have the page created. Great. Next step?

This is fun now.

Bryan you got my first question solved. I noticed that the last time anyone made a change to the portal was 2015, so I understand this isn’t being used a lot.

Few more questions. Instead of creating new topics I will add them here.

When I update the BAQ how long before the changes will be reflected in the portal?

I might have the portal configured wrong, external users cannot save view as excel, they are getting a permissions error.

I remember that had something to do the URL used by the webpart. Let me take a look at something later or tomorrrow morning and help you along.

@bderuvo would you by chance be able to help me with allowing users to export portal web parts to excel. A new customer is asking and this has become a priority again.

