Creating an ODBC Connection to a progress database

I want to start building web based reports but have run into a bit of
a snag in my connection string. Currently I've downloaded a product
called LGX Report Studio, it is supposed to be able to produce
reports much like crystal reports but in aspx pages. I'm having
trouble creating a progress database connection in a LGX Report
Studio application I've made. I have attempted connecting in may
different ways, the ones that do work allow me to connect to the
database and see the tables but I cannot view any data from the
tables. I keep getting errors that say "Unable to show results.
[DataDirect-Technologies][ODBC PROGRESS driver][PROGRESS]Syntax error
(7587)". Two questions: Does anyone else use LGX Studio with a
progress data? If so, may I have a copy of your connect string?

Any help is welcome... Thanks!