Updateable Dashboard

I’m having an issue on all my updatable dashboards. If someone has a dashboard open for an example I have a dashboard that updates the some fields in the JobHead_ud but I also display the JobNum, PartNum, DueDate and ProdQty from the JobHead table but none of the fields from the JobHead table are marked as updateable. The problem is when I save the changes on the dashboard and another user in the meantime had opened Job Entry and updated the job quantity, when I then save the changes to the dashboard i writes back the ProdQty value to when the dashboard was last refreshed.

It does not happen often because the timing would have to be just right but I wouldn’t think that it would update fields that I have not marked as updateable.

I have two workarounds for this and the first is to create a calculated field for each read only field and the second is to remove the lines on the BPM that updates the fields. The second option is more of a pain because each to I modify the BAQ it adds the lines back into the BPM.

I’m i missing something when I’m creating the BAQ? Is this a bug?

This is the similar problem check out their solution.

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Great link @TobyLai, I booked marked it just in case I run into this issue someday.