Security Report - Users and SecGroupDesc

I am not sure if this will help you, (we are on 9.05.701) but I created a BAQ using 4 external SQL views.
I then used the BAQ to create a dashboard where it can be grouped by Department manager, Group List, UserID, etc
The first view (Parent Table)UserFileSecurityList) creates a table with the user ID and coverts the tilde separated list into rows.
View 2: EmpBasicActive
Pulls in all of the “Active” Employee records along with their Supervisor’s ID and Department Manager
View 3: Department Manager List
We created a UD field in the Emp Basic table to enter the Department manager for each employee
View 4: Supervisor ID and name table
Pulls in all supervisor’s ID and name

Outer join the EmpBasicActive (child) to the UserFileSecurityList (Parent)
Parent table (Name) Child Table (FullName)
Outer join the EmployeeDepartmentManagerList(child) to the EmpBasicActive (Parent)
Parent table(EmpID) Child table (EmpID)
Inner join EmpSupIDandName(Child) to the EmpBasicActive(Parent)
Parent table(SupervisorID) Child (EmpID)
I can email the code to you for the sequel views and include some screenshots of the dashboard display if you think this could work for you.
A report could be created as well with desired groupings.

Carol. I would love to have the code if you still have this.


I will copy the code into a text file and send it to you. Happy to help!


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Excellent work! Applied to Kinetic 2023.x and it is still a solid solution… Even if this thread is considered a dead ass conversation!