RTS - material from a job

Negative Issues is our method.

Patrick J. Winter
Information Services Manager
sSc Specialty Screw Corporation
Vantage 3.00.614, Progress 8.3A
We do a negative issue against the job so the job reflects what was really

Suzanne Willems
Inventory Manager
Milford Enterprises, Inc.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Steve Lewis [SMTP:slewis@...]
> Sent: Tuesday, July 18, 2000 12:00 PM
> To: vantage@egroups.com
> Subject: [Vantage] RTS - material from a job
> Hola everyone! Can someone tell me the BEST way to receive material into
> stock from a job? We over-issue a lot of material, that I need to return
> to
> stock when the job is complete. I've found the "receipts from
> manufacturing", but this is only for assemblies. Currently, we do a
> negative
> quantity stock adjustment, and reference the job, but this seems
> backwards.
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-----Original Message-----
From: Steve Lewis [mailto:slewis@...]
Sent: Tuesday, July 18, 2000 11:00 AM
To: vantage@egroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] RTS - material from a job

Hola everyone! Can someone tell me the BEST way to receive material into
stock from a job? We over-issue a lot of material, that I need to return to
stock when the job is complete. I've found the "receipts from
manufacturing", but this is only for assemblies. Currently, we do a negative
quantity stock adjustment, and reference the job, but this seems backwards.

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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

We may issue a whole bar or several bars to a job. Whatever is left over
from the first operation, we handle with a negative issue. This keeps
inventory right and the job right.

Bob Bruton
Entek Corp.

-----Original Message-----
From: Steve Lewis [mailto:slewis@...]
Sent: Tuesday, July 18, 2000 11:00 AM
To: vantage@egroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] RTS - material from a job

Hola everyone! Can someone tell me the BEST way to receive material into
stock from a job? We over-issue a lot of material, that I need to return to
stock when the job is complete. I've found the "receipts from
manufacturing", but this is only for assemblies. Currently, we do a negative
quantity stock adjustment, and reference the job, but this seems backwards.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
You could SALVAGE the material. In the job, (or the quote, if that's your starting point) select the material that you will salvage excess issues from and Update. Choose Salvage, which opens a Salvage Material Maintenance screen. We set "Salvage Quantity Per" to 0.00001, so it doesn't throw off our estimated values. To receive the excess back to stock, go to Inventory Management/Receipts From Manufacturing and search for the job #. When the correct job # is highlighted, select Receive/Salvaged Material and enter the proper assembly/material sequence numbers, and insert the salvaged quantity/location, etc.

This transaction automatically updates the quantity in the part transaction history, with a reference SVG-STK, and relieves the job of the cost of salvaged material.

If you wanted (or needed) to, you could also specify a different part number for the salvaged material to be received to. We use this feature to receive less than 20' lengths of tubing back to stock. All allocations are made against the full-length part number, and we (manually, alas) determine if we can issue 'shorts' in place of full lengths on a future job.

Good luck!

>>> "Steve Lewis" <slewis@...> 07/18/00 12:00PM >>>
Hola everyone! Can someone tell me the BEST way to receive material into
stock from a job? We over-issue a lot of material, that I need to return to
stock when the job is complete. I've found the "receipts from
manufacturing", but this is only for assemblies. Currently, we do a negative
quantity stock adjustment, and reference the job, but this seems backwards.