Review Journal


When we run the capture Cos/WIP it is going to the review journal. We are seeing that adj-qty and stk-cst are failing to process. But there are no errors of adj-cst.

I cannot see why the error is being generated. I have raised a support call. But was wondering if someone could point me in the right direction. It seems to be something to with the seg 2 value. Many thanks

1 line: processing STK-CUS/KIT-CUS: Post Extended Cost to Inventory and AR Clearing Accounts rule. Version 3.
Select Amount Extended Cost
Select Name Extended Cost Amount Currency CurrencyType Transactional Calculationmethod ConversionDate
Amount has been found Extended Cost Value 241.60 Currency EUR CurrencyType Transactional
Getting account from GL Control COSAndWIP–PartTran–Warehouse–Division GL Control Type Division for context Division book MAIN GLControlCode Reusable Entity GLRef Warehse|NLD
Unable to get account GLControlCode Reusable Entity GLRef Warehse|NLD
[Warning!] Unable to extract segment SegValue2 value
Getting account from GL Control COSAndWIP–PartTran–Plant–Division GL Control Type Division for context Division book MAIN GLControlCode Reusable Entity GLRef Plant|MfgSys
Unable to get account GLControlCode Reusable Entity GLRef Plant|MfgSys
[Warning!] Unable to extract segment SegValue2 value
Processing - UF423.Determine Inventory Account For PartTran function. Version 2.
function input values
Warehouse_Division =
Plant_Division =
Processing - UF442.Get Part Class GL Control from Part or Part Class function. Version 2.
function input values
function output values
Processing - UF439.General Function to Determine Inventory Account function. Version 2.
function input values
Warehouse_Division =
Plant_Division =
Processing - UF407.Compile Account From Source Account And Primary Division, Secondary Division function. Version 2.
function input values
COACode MAIN GLAccount 1310|400|13|01|10000 Seg1 1310 Seg2 400 Seg3 13 Seg4 01 Seg5 10000
Primary_Division =
Secondary_Division =
Segment Temp_Account.SegValue3 assigned value
Segment Temp_Account.SegValue3 assigned value
function output values
COACode MAIN GLAccount 1310|400|13|01|10000 Seg1 1310 Seg2 400 Seg3 13 Seg4 01 Seg5 10000
function output values
COACode MAIN GLAccount 1310|400|13|01|10000 Seg1 1310 Seg2 400 Seg3 13 Seg4 01 Seg5 10000
function output values
COACode MAIN GLAccount 1310|400|13|01|10000 Seg1 1310 Seg2 400 Seg3 13 Seg4 01 Seg5 10000
Getting account from GL Control COSAndWIP–Company–Inventory COS And WIP GL Control Type Inventory COS and WIP for context AR Clearing book MAIN GLControlCode DEFAULT Reusable Entity GLRef Company|400
Unable to get account GLControlCode DEFAULT Reusable Entity GLRef Company|400
Creation of Control Type PartTran
TranGLC created: GLControlType PartTranContext Inventory (Ext Cost)RelatedToFile = PartTran Key1 07/03/18 Key2 53695 Key3 18162 Key4 Key5 Key6 GLAccount 1310|400|13|01|10000
GLControl created with SequenceNum 130
Creating transaction --------------------------------------------------
Description Periodic Posting Process Transaction Date 02/07/2018 00:00:00 TranAmount 241.60 BookAmount 241.60
Account 1310|400|13|01|10000 IsDebit False Journal Line 195 Book MAIN
Creating transaction in STK-CUS/KIT-CUS: Post Extended Cost to Inventory and AR Clearing Accounts Rule

Hi, it looks like someone had switched on ar clearing. Switched this off and restarted the task agent

Don’t forget to mark as resolved. It might help someone in the future.

For reference the issue seems to have been fixed 10.1.600 +