Recover Progress Server

I’m hoping someone out there can help me. We have an old Vantage 6.1 database that contains our old data and we still use it for reference. Anyway it was hit with a crypto virus on Friday and our only backup we have access to is a couple of months older than when we decommissioned the server.

it appears it only locked the program files and the .db, .d1, .b1, .lg, .lic, .lk all appear to be intact. Is there a way to recover the database with those files or am I going to have to use the older backup and lose those couple of months of data?

any advice will be appreciated.

PLEASE make sure you test this on a copy of your original files.

Make sure the AppServers and Database are shutdown completely, you can copy the .db, .d1, .b1, .lic, .st, to a new folder location (like Test or Training) and then open Proenv and change directories to that folder’s path location and then run the following syntax:

prostrct repair mfgsys

That repair command should hopefully allow you to start the (Test or Training) Database and Appservers. I hope that helps you out.


We were hit with a crypto attack last December. Thankfully our epicor server escaped. 6 other servers and a handful of workstations did not. We used a combination of Rouge Killer and hc6Decrypter to decrypt the effected machines. hc6Decrypter will list which file extensions it can fix so you’ll have to check those against your encrypted files.

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