Quote Entry Customization - after configuration

Does anyone know how to call a method/function on the “QuoteForm” form (line level) RIGHT AFTER the Configuration form closes?

story short… There’s a confirmed bug in our version of Epicor
( that we have to code around until they have time to fix
it. So, after the configuration form closes (and updates the unit
price), I have to capture certain values on the quote form and then set
some other values on the quote form. If I capture the “close” event on
the configuration form (ConfigurationRunTimeEntry), I’m not aware of a
way to read values and set values on a completely different form
(QuoteForm). Maybe there’s another way from the Quote form to capture
when the Configuration form closes. Ideas anyone?

Thank you!

Hi Sharla,

We’re not that far ahead of you on and launching a new Configurator as we speak. What’s the nature of the bug? Are you using Document Rules to populate the Quote? Are they not working? Are you trying to preserve values on the quote for some other purpose?

Configuring minds need to know!

Mark W.

LOL! I figured I would get that question. :slight_smile:
We have 11 configurators, most of which are very complex. In fact, we have a consultant that makes all our configurator changes for us (because he’s awesome at Epicor’s Product Configurator, C#, and manufacturing processes in general). We use Price Lists (not discount price lists) on our parts that can be configured. Also, all of our configured parts use a UOM class with a conversion on it since we sell in one UOM and stock in another UOM. Depending on what order quantity you put on the quote line, the UOM conversion could make the resulting quantity to be a weird rounded number. (We think this is what is the main contributing factor with our issue.) This rounding is identified by the Epicor application automatically by puting a star * in front of the quantity in the “Quantites” datagrid (upper right side of screen). Then when we reconfigure the part by clicking the “Configuration” button again, not changing anything, and saving the config screen, we have mismatching prices… and sometimes quantities. See below.
It seems that the configurators are doing exactly what they should be doing on the quote. Epicor has been able to recreate this issue but they’re still gathering info from us to give to development. So a fix is quite a ways off.

So, this is why I need to figure out how to capture the configuration screen close event and call a function/method on the QuoteForm…somehow. :frowning:


Hey Sharla,

I’ve seen the ‘*’ the fields whenever the precision of the screen is less than the actual value. Is it possible in your Product Configurator to round to a certain number of places in your calculations and when you assign the List Price? Maybe you just need a little standardization to get to the repeatability.

Mark W.

Did you ever figure out how to do this?