Question on the E10 Test

I have been taking the Epicor Foundations test and this question is always wrong no matter what answer I check: 1. Deferred revenue stems from the accounting concept of revenue recognition, under which revenues are recognized only when the ________ process is complete.

A little help.

HINT: look in the Deferred Revenue Accounting Education Course guide.

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I think that I don’t have that assignment enable, I’m just starting using Epicor.

Not sure what they’re looking for but Deferred Accounting is used in two places: Projects and Invoicing. In the Invoicing side, when you click the Defer checkbox, instead of crediting revenue, Epicor moves the value to a deferred account. When you run the “Revenue Recognition” process, it looks at the amortization schedule that you created on the invoice line and checks to see if there’s revenue to recognize for that period.

For Projects, it’s still called Revenue Recognition but it’s done on the Project.

Mark W.

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I have literally nothing of value to add to this conversation (which won’t stop me), but, the current testing that we provide I feel is very high quality and requires reading and understanding the underlying course material AND some experience in the areas / screens being tested. The team that works in this area spends a lot of time making sure the testing is relevant and accurate by working with the subject matter experts to make sure it is (support, consulting, development, etc). I know that sounds like a plug, and it is, but, I really mean it. They do a great job. The tests are based off of the related Embedded Education course of the same name and sometimes application help which requires you to go to the screen in question, click on a field, then go Help > Application Help to bring you to the topic.

Support has to take delta tests every release, and it takes much more time now for me to go through the test than it did in much much earlier very olden times. That’s not a negative as it forces us to slow down, really digest the material, poke around in the application to eliminate answers it couldn’t be, validate the answer we are selecting, etc.

In much much earlier very olden times, our tests were a bit more_fun_ which wasn’t completely amazingly 100% great if one wanted to validate that they had a deep understanding of the material–which is the ultimate goal right? A deeper understanding of XYZ thing so you can do XYZ thing :slight_smile: A couple of my favorites from those much much earlier very olden times:

From a BAQ Report test:

From a security test:

I’d much rather have tests that push us to dig into the application and reread the material than simpler/more superficial one that can be completed by keyword searching the guide/eliminating the fun answers :slight_smile: It makes for more knowledgeable support resources, consultants, and customers which is a very good thing :grinning:

That said, there is a greater than 0% chance that the test says that XYZ answer is incorrect but it is actually correct. If you are really sure that is happening, just let Support know and we’ll get it squared away if it is really the case.


Ernie - they completely changed up the tests so much you cant do that anymore…to the level of craziness even since I ran across questions I could not even answer while referencing the manual. :frowning:

Back in the really olden days (2006?) if Vantage/ERP9 the cert tests were brand new, and were not very good… but as @aidacra said, they are much better. I can remember a day when there was 10 questions on the Inventory certification… two were true false, and were the same exact question… if you answered both the same way, you were guaranteed to get one answer wrong. Then there was my favorite question of the day… a multiple choice question “Which is the best costing method?” to which, there is not an answer (but many opinions)… fyi… the “correct” answer at the time WAS “Average” until the question was reworded/rephrased.