New Suppliers Not automatically Approved

I’d like to set Supplier Entry to NOT have the Approved box checked automatically when creating a new supplier. Yes, I can do this after the fact in a BPM, but from a UX perspective it’s sloppy. I’d rather it look the way it performs so I don’t get questions like “Why does this uncheck every time?”.

In a customization, I can make another checkbox and replace the base Approved checkbox. But for something so small, that seems silly. There’s got to be a way to control the existing checkbox so it just isn’t automatically checked when we create a new Vendor. I tried getting the checkbox GUID and controlling that, I also tried setting the DataView’s Approved field to false when EpiNotify.AddRow fires. No effect for either.

As simple as a post processing BPM on Vendor.GetNewVendor

No custom code simply use the Set Field and set Approved = false

BPM Attached for 10.1.600
supplierUnApproved.bpm (18.6 KB)

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Dangit. I did try something with Get New and it didn’t work. Probably over-thought it. Thanks Jose, as always.

Thank you kindly. We are doing testing on Pilot before our move to Live next month and this came in very handy.

Context is everything.
I often overthink myself out of context and can’t figure out why Epicor doesn’t know where I want to be.