Mass Move Job WIP and Job Material

In our manufacturing process, we pick several different materials and put them in a large container, which gets relocated to a storage area before it is delivered to the manufacturing area. We issue all of these materials to the job first before they are relocated. We want to be able to mass move those job materials all at once. Is there any way to do this through the system?

I can provide more detail if needed.

Thank you,
-Austin Skrepak

Not as built. I made a Ubaq (with the help of people here) to move wip. I haven’t done anything for regular inventory, but it’s possible. Look through this thread and it will give you an idea what’s involved.

I thought there was an auto move feature or am I thinking of something else.

There is an auto move for wip after an operation is done it will put in into the defined bin. However if you have to move it again (for ex. because it’s in the way) you have to move each part.

I haven’t looked at auto move for into an operation (because we back flush everything) but maybe if you set your in-bin in the resource group it might do it when you issue? Worth a try.