Issued complete without 0 issues

I customized Job Entry to expose the Issued Complete check box for materials. I started having to run conversion 6430 more often to recalculate demands. I found that standard Epicor programming doesn't remove the material demand if the job is completed and nothing is issued. I put BPMs in place that removed/added demand when the job material issued complete check box was checked/unchecked IF the issued quantity was 0. I also put a BPM in place to stop the issued complete check box from being checked if there was an issued quantity because Epicor programming DOES update material demand if the job is completed and the issued quantity doesn't equal 0. It's been over six weeks now and our 6430 conversion report still comes up clean. Yipee!!!

We are on 9.05.701. We don't have AMM which I imagine made this easier, less demand and reserved fields to deal with. Thought I'd pass it along in case someone else can use the info.
