How to call the Job Traveler report submission form to pass an alternate report style ID to override the report default style

We currently have two customized version of the Job Traveler. Job Traveler 1 is set as the default. However, users have to select Job Traveler 2 to print the second version.

We are planning to call the Job Traveler 2 from a drop down action menu. Currently, I have an example code for calling the Quote report submission form from an action menu.

I need a code example for passing the report style as a parameter to the report submission form. Is this possible?

Example of my code:

var test = edvCallContextBpmDataRow[“ShortChar02”].ToString();
var Quote = edvHDCaseQuoteDataRow[“QuoteNum”].ToString();


LaunchFormOptions lfo = new LaunchFormOptions();

lfo.IsModal = true;
lfo.ValueIn = Quote;
lfo.ContextValue =“MazinTest”;
lfo.SuppressFormSearch = false;

// Call MES Work Queue
// ProcessCaller.LaunchForm(oTrans,“DEGO1080”, lfo);

// MGA - 08-JUL-2016
// Launch Process Menu RPTQF - QuoteForm for printing
// Note the process menu must be define with a unique id. Use Menu Maintenance and trace to determine the form name, DLL, etc…

ProcessCaller.LaunchForm(oTrans,“RPTQF”, lfo);

You’ll have to pass it in the lfo.ContextValue and then do a customization on the traveler form t Parse the LFO and set the selected style.

I was afraid you’d say that. Thanks.

So, How do I reference the lfo data structure from the opening form?

I found this topic, I’m going to test this and let you know.

Couldn’t you use print routing to print the alternate style based on a field value in the record?

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This may work. I will need to review the dataset for a target field value.

Our company is not licensed for the Auto Printing and Routing module.