Global Hotkeys Possible? Ctrl+S for save, etc

Hi guys,

Is it possible to globally set up the typical windows hot-keys for all existing office users (i.e. Ctrl+S for save, F5 refresh, etc)?

We’re planning on doing some lunch and learn continuing education, and wanted to share some time saving short cuts. If 150 users have to set up a dozen hot keys themselves, it probably won’t take off…

(Or Epicor can set that up by default as well!). On 10.0.700.4 at the moment.


My understanding is that hot-keys are like a personalization–per user.

Nathan, thanks. I was afraid of that. Oh well!

Bringing this back from the dead - any chance admins can set up hot-keys for all users in a department with Kinetic, since the hotkey screens have been updated? I asked at Insights, but nobody could answer it…

This would be a lot more efficient than having 300 users set up their own hotkeys, and would make standard work more possible.