Get details error message

When creating a new job we are trying to “get details” from another job but receive the following error:

Cannot insert duplicate key row in object ‘Erp.JobOpDtl’ with unique index ‘IX_JobOpDtl’. The duplicate key value is MARION,014369-1-,0,10,10).

Marion is our company. 014369-1-1 is the new job. The new job has nothing in in except a PN and description at the top level (the PN is a “part on the fly”) We have success with this and other jobs, but in some cases receive this error message. Any one else have this issue or know what is causing it?

Thanks for your help!


Check to see if there is a row in the JoOpDtl table that has those keys.

Notice that the Job is not complete, ‘014369-1-’ vs. ‘014369-1-1’. Wonder if that is what is going on.

Interesting; the JobOpDtl table is requiring a unique “key” which is actually required to be a unique combination of company, job number, assembly sequence, operation, and operation detail sequence. But Epicor is limiting the second part of that to the first nine characters so it would collide with any job that starts with those characters and has the same BOO.