Form Dropdown Menu Security?

I’ve been asked if we can secure a item on the Actions dropdown menu on Order Entry. Form customization can’t manipulate the dropdown menus, unless I’m mistaken.

ie: We want to limit who can access Job Manager under Order Line.


Use Process Security? Doesn’t stop the menu item from existing but it will stop them from opening it.

I thought that went away in E10, it’s not on our Security menu anymore since E9 days.

Service Security Maintenance

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In attempting to use your solution, where do I look to find what service I’m attempting to restrict access to?

In Cycle Count Maintenance, under the Actions drop-down menu, only Finance users should be able to access and execute the “Post Counts” option. This process isn’t listed in the Service Security Maintenance services offered. Is there a way to find out what the Post Counts process is called?

Thanks for your help!

You can find this using Tracing but I will save you some time on this one. The service is bo.CCCountCycle and the method is PostCount in bo.CCCountCycle


Awesome! Thank you!