Financial Report Designer - Full Year Budget column

We have loaded our budget into Epicor and are hoping to be able to use FRD to do some reporting. Does anyone know if there is a way to do add a column to show Full Year Budget for specific periods (run report for 2018 period 3?

We are looking to do two reports where one shows actual to budget by Period, Year To date and then Full Year Budget. Second report would show Period actual to budget, variance, YTD actual and budget, variance. We would like to add column for Remaining Year Budget and Projection (YTD Acutal + Remaining Year Budget)

On the Columns Detail enter 12 on number of periods

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Thank you. We decided to create what we need with another outside tool.

Hey Kristine,

How did you upload your budget into Epicor? I recently uploaded my budget into Epicor, but when I run reports or extract the budget it is blank. Could you please provide instruction on how to ensure a proper upload?


We used DMT to load our budget numbers using the account budge template.