Epicor REST Services for WIP and Inventory Movement?

I installed the REST services on our DB and am able to view the services that are exposed to us.

I was looking for something that would allow me to do WIP and Inventory movement from one bin to another but I came up empty. It doesn’t look like there is anything available to do that sort of customization using REST.

Has anyone tried to do this with REST? Any advice you can share?


Run a trace in Epicor and use the same business objects to accomplish this in REST.

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How do you install the REST services?

It’s outlined in the EpicWeb Documentation

Depends on your version.

As of 10.2, it is part of the core install since the new Home Page requires it amongst other applications.
In 10.1.600, it is required for Mobile CRM and that has docs in that product install as well.

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Is it part of the standard license or do we have to purchase an additional license?

I followed the instructions in the Epicweb Document. But I don’t see the /API folder after the deploy.

We are on Epicor version 10.1.500 is it part of that version?

For 10.1.500 it needs to be deployed. Instructions for doing so are in EpicWeb and the EpicorHelp

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@josecgomez is correct. It was considered Beta in 10.1.500 but only a few handful of minor issues were found. 10.1.500 is pretty long in the tooth at this point though and on the fringe of support - I need to refer to my cheat sheet on support cycles to be honest.