DMT Powershell Help

what if the grave+quote is put in the line where $Source is declared?

tried that, unfortunately no.

I googled some stuff, and it looks like there are a couple of hacky ways around it, but nothing great.

take a look at Weekend Scripter: Understanding Quotation Marks in PowerShell - Scripting Blog

It talks about the differnce between single and double quotes

Try this for the source

$source = ‘“C:\Users\banderson\Desktop\A1 MasterComment.csv”’

That’s a [single quote] [double quote] full path with spaces [double quote] [ single quote]

edit: put the $Source var last on the process line, and have no closing quote

I was just doing that, except single then double for both, since the single acts as an escape character. Unfortunately, neither ways works. I think that specific argument won’t take strings.
edit, actually I am putting the location directly in the process line instead of using a variable. It tries to work without quotes, (get’s everything going but can’t find the location), but if I put quotes around it, bombs out right away. both singles, doubles, and combinations of single double

Let’s take a step back.

If you were typing this command out, it would be (line breaks added fore readability)

C:\Epicor\ERP10.2Client\Client\DMT.exe -User user -Pass password -Update -Import "Bill Of Operations" -Source "C:\Users\banderson\Desktop\A1 MasterComment.csv"

so everything from -User .... through ...MasterComment.csv" needs to be passed to the
-ArgumentList parameter

This should work:

$ArgList = "-User user -Pass password - Update -Import `"Bill Of Operations`" -Source `"C:\Users\banderson\Desktop\A1 MasterComment.csv`" "

Tried that. It doesn’t like the quotes on file location. It’s not the string in the variable itself. The argument for -Source doesn’t want to take anything with quotes in it.

yet it is okay with the "Bill of Operations" after -Iimport ??

yeah, frustrates me too.

PS I:\> $DMTPath = "C:\Epicor\ERP10.2Client\Client\DMT.exe"
PS I:\> $User = "user"
PS I:\> $Pass = "password"
PS I:\> $source = '"C:\Users\banderson\Desktop\A1 MasterComment.csv"'
PS I:\> $ArgList = '-User $User -Pass $Pass -Update -Import "Bill Of Operations" -Source' + $Source
PS I:\>
PS I:\>
PS I:\> Echo $ArgList
-User $User -Pass $Pass -Update -Import "Bill Of Operations" -Source"C:\Users\banderson\Desktop\A1 MasterComment.csv"
PS I:\>

The above builds $ArgList such that you don’t need quotes on your “process-start” line

Still file not found. The location Bombs out at the space.

what about lower case tilde before each space?
$source = “C:\Users\banderson\Desktop\A1(lower case tilde) MasterComment.csv”

Just so we’re on the same page,

Entering the following on a command line, would work:

C:\Epicor\ERP10.2Client\Client\DMT.exe -User user -Pass password -Update -Import "Bill Of Operations" -Source "C:\Users\banderson\Desktop\A1 MasterComment.csv"

Does entering in the PS

Start-Procss -Wait -FilePath $DMTPath -ArgumentList 'C:\Epicor\ERP10.2Client\Client\DMT.exe -User user -Pass password -Update -Import "Bill Of Operations" -Source "C:\Users\banderson\Desktop\A1 MasterComment.csv" '


no this does not

wait, command line. I thought you meant in Power shell. I haven’t tried it in command line.

That was just executing the DMT.exe. If that failed then it’s not a PowerShell thing.

(you did replace user and password , right?)

I gotta run… but one last thing…

From MS’s technical documentation, they provide the following example

PS C:\> Start-Process -FilePath "$env:comspec" -ArgumentList "/c dir `"%systemdrive%\program files`""

Granted there are new no Variables in what is passed to ArgumentList, but it does show quote bounded string “%systemdrive%\program files”


another way to do the same is:

PS C:\> Start-Process -FilePath "$env:comspec" -ArgumentList "/c","dir","`"%systemdrive%\program files`""

Seems the commas concatenate strings together (an no spaces need between the /c and dir

the command line works.

Can a command line run a playlist?

Hi Brandon,

I am working in the same area right now, powershell to run DMT. I just tested with spaces in my folder name and found it did not work unless I added extra quotes. This worked in my testing:

$SourcePath =""C:\Users\NHoyt.CHEMPUMP\Desktop\Ready to Attach1\DMTSNAtts.txt""


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