DMT a list of Calendar Exceptions into the Production Calendar

Reference this question

Looks like we just need a small add-on for DMT to allow us to upload all of our Holidays, special event days, and altered work schedule days into Erp.ProdCalDay rather than spending a few hours doing it all by hand via the UI.

I’ll vote for this as well!

Until the feature is added you can use a UBAQ and dashboard to mass update the calendar. We paste insert a list from excel when we need to update the calendar.



Andrew - true, updateable BAQs solve a lot problems!

Good idea!

I just emailed this request to the DMT team (Leave Us Feedback) button on the DMT Home screen…



Forgot about that!! Thanks Andris

Maybe they’ll be snappy and this could be the first feature request that’s marked complete :slight_smile:

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What URL did you find the Leave Us Feedback button? I am not finding it.

Clicking on the link (bottom of DMT Home tab) kicks out an email to

Thanks @askulte I was looking on their website.
I sent my request as well.

When Arthur Cole internally “owned” the product, I requested a couple of new menu items and they got put into the product very quickly.

Posted AP Invoice Update is one of the ones that I lay claim to :slight_smile: