Data Directive BPM C# Linq Help

It doesnt like your select new statement me thinks. What happens if you do this:

 select new 
          OrderNum = o.OrderNum, RequestDate = o.RequestDate


Got the same error message:

Description: There is at least one compilation error.


Error CS1061: ‘System.Collections.Generic.List<AnonymousType#1>’ does not contain a definition for ‘OrderNum’ and no extension method ‘OrderNum’ accepting a first argument of type ‘System.Collections.Generic.List<AnonymousType#1>’ could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) [GetTaskList.Post.Set_Quote_Number.cs(279,50)]

Error CS1061: ‘System.Collections.Generic.List<AnonymousType#1>’ does not contain a definition for ‘RequestDate’ and no extension method ‘RequestDate’ accepting a first argument of type ‘System.Collections.Generic.List<AnonymousType#1>’ could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) [GetTaskList.Post.Set_Quote_Number.cs(281,58)]

Error CS1061: ‘System.Collections.Generic.List<AnonymousType#1>’ does not contain a definition for ‘DocTotalCharges’ and no extension method ‘DocTotalCharges’ accepting a first argument of type ‘System.Collections.Generic.List<AnonymousType#1>’ could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) [GetTaskList.Post.Set_Quote_Number.cs(282,70)]

Program: Epicor.Customization.dll

Method: PrepareException

 /* Start new code */

             var OrderHedVar = (from o in Db.OrderHed.With(LockHint.NoLock)

                                                            // *** Add left outer join to OrderDtl

                                                 join od in


             on new { o.Company, o.OrderNum } equals new { od.Company, od.OrderNum }

     into oodj

     from od in oodj.DefaultIfEmpty()

                                                            // ***


 where o.Company == TaskListVar.Company && o.HDCaseNum == CaseNumber  

       select new


          OrderNum = o.OrderNum, RequestDate =

o.RequestDate, DocTotalChargest =


  // end new code

Whew, that formatting is horrible. Use```cs to format code.

I’m with Jose, what’s the purpose of this exercise if you arent even using those other joins?

At any rate, what if you move your where clause to after the query (done in editor - syntax may not be correct)

/* Start new code */
             var OrderHedVar = (from o in Db.OrderHed.With(LockHint.NoLock)
                                                            // *** Add left outer join to OrderDtl
                                                 join od in Db.OrderDtl.With(LockHint.NoLock)
                                                  on new { o.Company, o.OrderNum } equals new { od.Company, od.OrderNum}
                                                 into oodj
                                                  from od in oodj.DefaultIfEmpty()

                                                            // ***

       select new


          OrderNum = o.OrderNum, 
          RequestDate = o.RequestDate, 
          DocTotalCharges =
          Company = o.Company,
          HDCaseNum = o.HDCaseNum
       }).Where(o => o.Company == TaskListVar.Company && o.HDCaseNum == CaseNumber).ToList();

  // end new code
  1.   To first validate that the left outer join syntax is working.
  2.   To make sure the new code functions as before without any anomies and retuning the correct rows and columns.
  3.   Then to get the necessary fields from the QuoteDtl table.

This syntax is valid, are you getting this error at runtime?
Also how is TaskListVar created?
Also what method is this BPM on?

This following is the compilation error I get after moving the where clause:

 /* Start new code */

             var OrderHedVar = (from o in Db.OrderHed.With(LockHint.NoLock)

                                                            // *** Add left outer join to OrderDtl

                                                 join od in Db.OrderDtl.With(LockHint.NoLock)

             on new { o.Company, o.OrderNum } equals new { od.Company, od.OrderNum }

     into oodj

     from od in oodj.DefaultIfEmpty()

                                                            // ***


 //where o.Company == TaskListVar.Company && o.HDCaseNum == CaseNumber  

       select new


          OrderNum = o.OrderNum, RequestDate =

o.RequestDate, DocTotalCharges = o.DocTotalCharges

       }).where o.Company == TaskListVar.Company &&

o.HDCaseNum == CaseNumber.ToList();

  // end new code

Error Detail

These are last syntax error messages after moving the “where” clause.
Error Detail

Description: There is at least one compilation error.
Error CS1002: ; expected [GetTaskList.Post.Set_Quote_Number.cs(260,21)]
Program: Epicor.Customization.dll
Method: PrepareException
Line Number: 99
Column Number: 13

The last changes are below:
/* Start new code */
var OrderHedVar = (from o in Db.OrderHed.With(LockHint.NoLock)
// *** Add left outer join to OrderDtl
join od in Db.OrderDtl.With(LockHint.NoLock)
on new { o.Company, o.OrderNum } equals new { od.Company, od.OrderNum }
into oodj
from od in oodj.DefaultIfEmpty()

			// ***
 //where o.Company == TaskListVar.Company && o.HDCaseNum == CaseNumber   

       select new 
          OrderNum = o.OrderNum, RequestDate = o.RequestDate, DocTotalCharges = o.DocTotalCharges

       }).where o.Company == TaskListVar.Company && o.HDCaseNum == CaseNumber.ToList();

  // end new code

I am getting the error when I save the BPM changes.

I am using a foreach (var TaskListVar in (from r in ttTask select r)) to loop through the TaskList rows being displayed. The TaskListVar is created for each row as I loop. This works very well with old code.

The method is Erp.TaslGetTaskList – Post-Processing.

Below is the full code after the foreach loop:
foreach(var TaskListVar in (from r in ttTask select r))

int CaseNumber = 0;
int QuoteNumber = 0;

  CaseNumber = Convert.ToInt32(TaskListVar.Key1);
  QuoteNumber = (int) TaskListVar.TaskQuoteNum;

A few things

Replace this -foreach(var TaskListVar in (from r in ttTask select r))
With this -foreach(var TaskListVar in ttTask.Where(t => t.Added || t.Updated()))

You’re where clause is wrong. Look at my example above:
}).Where(o => o.Company == TaskListVar.Company && o.HDCaseNum == CaseNumber).ToList();

The where clause is not needed at the TaskList level or the ttTaskList temp table. I loop through the task list rows, for each key1 column which should contain the case number most of the time.

The Where clause is needed to link to the OrderHed and to obtain other columns which will be added to the Key1=CaseNum row and so on.

I think you are missing the point of what I am saying. You intend to link EVERY OrderHed in your DB to its OrderDtls (no criteria) on EVERY loop of your ttTable? That seems like a horrible idea.

I was trying to limit your joins to only needed data.

Excluding your where clause, that pattern does work to give you a left outer join - although as we’ve mentioned there seems to be no need for it in your example since you arent even selecting the data you are trying to join.

Here is an example in VS. I faked some classes to emulate Db.orderHed, OrderDtl, but it works the same. Note that I had to DefaultOrEmpty to an a new blank object of the type (Dtl in this case)

     class Header
            public string Company;
            public int OrderNum;
            public int HDCaseNum;

        class Dtl
            public string Company;
            public int OrderNum;
            public string DtlNote;

        class aDb
           public List<Header> OrderHed;
           public List<Dtl> OrderDtl;

           public aDb(){
                 OrderHed = new List<Header>();
                 OrderDtl = new List<Dtl>();
        private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

        aDb Db = new aDb();
            Header h1 = new Header() { Company = "A", OrderNum = 1, HDCaseNum = 69 };
            Dtl d1 = new Dtl() { Company = "A", OrderNum = 1, DtlNote = "D1"};
            Dtl d2 = new Dtl() { Company = "A", OrderNum = 1, DtlNote = "D2" };

            Header h2 = new Header() { Company = "A", OrderNum = 2, HDCaseNum = 69 };
            Dtl d3 = new Dtl() { Company = "A", OrderNum = 2, DtlNote = "D3" };
            //Dtl d4 = new Dtl { Company = "A", OrderNum = 2, DtlNote = "D4" }();

            Header h3 = new Header() { Company = "A", OrderNum = 3, HDCaseNum = 69 };



            /* Start new code */
            var OrderHedVar = (from o in Db.OrderHed.Where(o => o.Company == "A" && o.HDCaseNum == 69) //this would be TaskList.Company, HDCasenum
                                   // *** Add left outer join to OrderDtl
                               join od in Db.OrderDtl
                                on new { o.Company, o.OrderNum } equals new { od.Company, od.OrderNum }
                               into oodj
                               from joins in oodj.DefaultIfEmpty(new Dtl())

                                   // ***

                               select new

                                  Comp = o.Company,
                                  Order = o.OrderNum,
                                  Case = o.HDCaseNum,
                                  DtlNote = joins.DtlNote


           var list = OrderHedVar.ToList();
            // end new code

Note that Header3 had no detail

PS - @hkeric.wci - trying out this tasty LINQ debugging plugin :smiley:

1 Like

I am so greatful that your taking the time to show me the LINQ left outer join in BPM. However, I still get the same error message. Here is the new code based on your last post.
Note for each row in the task list with a HDCaseNum, and Company we look to get the OrderHed and if successful get the OrderDtl using an outer join.

 /* Start new code */
 var OrderHedVar = (from o in Db.OrderHed.Where (o=> o.Company == TaskListVar.Company && o.HDCaseNum == CaseNumber)
			// *** Add left outer join to OrderDtl
		     join od in Db.OrderDtl.With(LockHint.NoLock) 
             on new { o.Company, o.OrderNum } equals new { od.Company, od.OrderNum }
     into oodj 
     from joins in oodj.DefaultIfEmpty()

			// *** 
 //where o.Company == TaskListVar.Company && o.HDCaseNum == CaseNumber   

       select new 
          OrderNum = o.OrderNum, 
          RequestDate = o.RequestDate,
          DocTotalCharges = o.DocTotalCharges


  // end new code

Error Detail

Description: There is at least one compilation error.
Error CS1061: ‘System.Linq.IQueryable<AnonymousType#1>’ does not contain a definition for ‘OrderNum’ and no extension method ‘OrderNum’ accepting a first argument of type ‘System.Linq.IQueryable<AnonymousType#1>’ could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) [GetTaskList.Post.Set_Quote_Number.cs(281,50)]
Error CS1061: ‘System.Linq.IQueryable<AnonymousType#1>’ does not contain a definition for ‘RequestDate’ and no extension method ‘RequestDate’ accepting a first argument of type ‘System.Linq.IQueryable<AnonymousType#1>’ could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) [GetTaskList.Post.Set_Quote_Number.cs(283,58)]
Error CS1061: ‘System.Linq.IQueryable<AnonymousType#1>’ does not contain a definition for ‘DocTotalCharges’ and no extension method ‘DocTotalCharges’ accepting a first argument of type ‘System.Linq.IQueryable<AnonymousType#1>’ could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) [GetTaskList.Post.Set_Quote_Number.cs(284,70)]
Program: Epicor.Customization.dll
Method: PrepareException
Line Number: 99
Column Number: 13

In my original working code, I only link the current CaseNum on the TaskList row to the OrderHed which was working very efficiently and correctly. All I am trying to do is Link another table, the OrderDtl using a left outer join. I can use an equal join which works, but I would rather use a left outer join. Note, I am not linking the CaseNum on the Row of the tasklist to all order heads that’s not possible.

  /* start of old code */
	 var OrderHedVar = (from o in Db.OrderHed.With(LockHint.NoLock)
     where o.Company == TaskListVar.Company && o.HDCaseNum == CaseNumber   
     //orderby l.TaskSeqNum ascending
			 //orderby l.TaskSeqNum descending
           select new 
              o.OrderNum, o.RequestDate, o.DocTotalCharges

		/* old code */

Im confused, works for me. What version?

Epicor 10.1.400.17. The error occurs after I exit from the C# editor and save from the Method Directives Maintenance screen.
