Customization setinventoryQtyAdj

Good Morning,

i have a snippet of code am converting from Vantage to E10 in a customization. The new adapter requires a parameter for partTranPKs

Argument not specified for parameter ‘partTranPKs’ of ‘Public Sub SetInventoryQtyAdj(ds As Erp.BO.InventoryQtyAdjDataSet, ByRef partTranPKs As String)’.

Not sure what variable i can put for this field. Any guidance?

            invAdjDS.InventoryQtyAdj(0).AdjustQuantity = nedEpiCustom2.Text
            invAdjDS.InventoryQtyAdj(0).ReasonCodeDescription="FG CONVERSION-CA"
            invAdjDS.InventoryQtyAdj(0).BinNum = txtToBin.Text
            _qtyAdj.SetInventoryQtyAdj(invAdjDS, REQUIRES THE PARAMETER HERE)

Thank you!


That’s an output parameter so you want an empty string passed by ref.

thank you sir! Will try this out!

how yo resolved this???

In c# its like
string partTranPKs = “”;
Erp.BO.InventoryQtyAdjDataSet ds <—your ds that already exists with data…
SetInventoryQtyAdj(ds, out partTranPKs);

I just hard coded an empty string.

_qtyAdj.SetInventoryQtyAdj(invAdjDS, REQUIRES THE PARAMETER HERE)