BPM Versioning & Disabling & moving to Live

Is this the best that we can do with regards to version controlling code in Epicor?

We recently performed an upgrade, and afterwards some BPM code was missing. Storing version control information in Epicor would not have provided any ability to go back and find the lost code in this case.

My thinking is that at least part of it was related to the fact that the code would not compile - but what are you supposed to do while you are researching the resolution? (side note: Am I the only person that gets driven crazy by Epicor’s senseless use of modal dialog boxes? When editing custom code you can’t even save until you dismiss the code box, because the save button is in the BPM Workflow Designer and the “Enter Custom Code” dialog is modal!) I have read that you can export BPMs (at least in E9, not sure if you can in E10) but will this even work if you have errors? And even if you can, this is a lot of extra work to constantly be pulling stuff out of Epicor, putting it into an external VCS, then pulling it back out and putting it back into Epicor. Solution manager isn’t any better - think about how many clicks and UI interactions it takes every time you made a change to anything.

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If you mark the BPM as not enabled it will save and upgrade just fine. Even with errors.

Bugs me too. I’ll sometimes just open another session for looking around when I need it. Also copy the code into notepad++ so I can see it with the BPM closed.


I now exculsively use “Visual Studio Code” to do any major editing… it is a very robust C# editor (and free). I typically open my BPMs C# widget, immediately select all and copy (Ctrl-A, Ctrl-C) then go to VSC and Paste… do editing, then do the “formatting” command Alt-Shift-F which makes the indentations all really pretty and neat. Then Copy and paste back into the C# widget. For more complicated BPMs, I will save of copies of the C# code.