BPM Substring issue

I have the custom code below that I can’t get to work with Substring.
I can get the partNum and then display it in a message fine, but if I use partNum.Substring(0,5) I get an error at that point. If I hardode partNum and then use Substring the code works perfectly fine. Error is: ‘NullReferenceException’
Seems very odd.

var jobNum = ipJobNum;
var mill = "Mill 2";
var jobHead_xRow = (from JobHead_Row in Db.JobHead where JobHead_Row.JobNum == jobNum select JobHead_Row).FirstOrDefault();

string partNum = jobHead_xRow.PartNum;//Throws error when using Substring below
partNum = "F1016CR0I";//Works

string partSeg = partNum.Substring(0,5);
//PublishInfoMessage(partNum, Ice.Common.BusinessObjectMessageType.Information,Ice.Bpm.InfoMessageDisplayMode.Individual,"A","A");

var UD14_xRow = (from UD14_Row in Db.UD14 where UD14_Row.ShortChar06 == partSeg && UD14_Row.Key4 == mill select UD14_Row).FirstOrDefault();

var rate = UD14_xRow.Number07;
var filePath=@"C:\mill2.csv";
string combine = "NoCust" + "," + jobNum + "," + rate;

System.Text.StringBuilder sbOutput = new System.Text.StringBuilder();

System.IO.File.WriteAllText(filePath, sbOutput.ToString());

Probably a case of where the string isnt 5 chars long… like if its blank. I notice you arent filtering your rows for only added\updated (which means there may be records you arent aware of)

var jobHead_xRow = (from JobHead_Row in Db.JobHead where JobHead_Row.JobNum == jobNum select JobHead_Row).FirstOrDefault();

You could do that, or simply do a length check of the string first

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The part number is always the same length 9 characters. I will double check the added or updated. This is in Labor. CheckEmployeeActivity so it is using the input paramater jobNum from start activity.

Ah, I went back and re-read, I misunderstood. check that jobHead_Row is not null first. Is it possible this is called before the job is created? What method is this? Pre or Post?

You can’t use Substring beyond the maximum amount of characters in C#.

"Haso".Substring(0, 4); // works
"Haso".Substring(0, 6); // Null Ref Exception

First, what you need is this (to be safe, incase you do have a partNum thats less than your expected length of 5)

string partNum = "PART123";
string partSeg = partNum.Length >= 5 ? partNum.Substring(0, 5) : partNum.Substring(0, partNum.Length);

Second, if your Job record is indeed null, you could also get that error.

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Post Update. I can write the jobnumber and the partNumber from the query to the text file no issues.

I added the length check and it still gives the error.
C# and strings always seem to give me headaches :slight_smile:

What BO? Also, have you tried extracting the value to a string variable first, then performing your SubStr?

I started from scratch and it is working now.
What was odd is that I had using for System.IO and System.Text, however it would say it was missing so I had to type it all in my code. After starting from scratch my using statements are working also.

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