BPM Condition block (Changed vs Updated)

What is the difference between “the updated row” and “the changed row” in a BPM condition block?
My guess is that one includes newly added rows, and the other does not.

Also, does the condition
“The specified field has been changed from any to another
Trigger on the creation of a new record, when the specified field contains something?

For example, When you make a new PO, the PO header isn’t saved until you hit Save (or add a new line). If I enter text in a field that the BPM (ERP.PO.Update) is monitoring, before it’s saved, will the save process trigger the BPM?

Can this be a pre-process BPM, or must it be a post-process BPM?

My guess is that one includes newly added rows, and the other does not.

Your guess is correct (it also sometimes included Deleted rows for “changed”)

“The specified field has been changed from any to another”
Trigger on the creation of a new record, when the specified field contains something?

No it does not the change trigger only works correctly on updated records.

Can this be a pre-process BPM, or must it be a post-process BPM?

Yes it can be pre proc or post proc but only for updated fields. Normally the condition here I write with 2 statements, if there is an AddedRow (OR) Field X has Changed A to B



All my testing was with an existing record, so every test “changed” the monitored field. But when used for new records, it wasn’t getting triggered.

OR The ttPOHeader.PurchFor_c field of the added row is not equal to the “” expression
did the trick.

Is "not equal to “” " the way to go?
(coincidentally, i don’t need this BPM to run if that is blank, but is okay if it does).

Related question: how to limit the BPM to only the conditions.

My BPM is firing for all parts added, not just MRSPH. In English, I want the warning to be displayed only if the part is MRSPH.
