BAQ Repeat Row

So in SQL, I can create a parameter for number of rows to repeat. Is this possible to do within a BAQ similar to the below?

Does the count need to be dynamic or fixed?

If fixed, you can kind of replicate what you did by unioing 25 identical sub-queries together.

Is there an upper limit to the count?

You may have to make a recursive query that unions with itself, with a filed for the row count, with is derived form the previous iterations value -1

I’ve not worked with recursive queries very much, so even that might not be possible.

Thanks I can take a look at recursive. The other thought was to create a view from SQL and use external BAQ.

You can add a bunch of records to a UD table and populate Number01 with the increasing integer. Then join to that table by company only. Then filter by that field with a <=.


Cant believe i forgot about this.

I have a UD table that consists of nothing but Key1 filled with integers 1…1000

Use it in a BAQ for setting the number of labels to print

Thank you, that actually works well.