APM Failed Email

For those of you that use APM, how do you handle emails that bounce back?
For instance, if the email was sent to example@misspelledomain.com instead of example@domain.com, APM will see that it’s a properly formed email and send it out using our mailer email (which means no failure notifications in APM). Since the email is bad, it’s going to bounce back to that mailer email address. Is there a way to get it to send the bounces to our accounting email box so they know if something fails?

Under Routing Lists - Open the Routing List Name - Routing List Groups - Edit… - Email Options

There is an option to Use Custom Return Email Address for this Routing List Group:


Could that possibly be what you are looking for?

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That just might be!
Lemme try it out and get back to you.

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Excitedly awaiting the results…


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Worked perfectly.

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Oh. My. Gosh.


You mean I gave a Solution to something??? AAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!! :scream:

Please forgive me but this is a BIG day for me…

Thanks @hmwillett!



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