Anyone using Expensify, Concur, or other?

Does anyone use Expensify, Concur, or other mobile expense platforms? If so, I would love to hear feedback.

Expensify has said they can export to CSV file, and I assume I could come up with a template to upload through DMT, but I haven’t seen it in action yet.

I cannot believe that an ISV is not building this right now using their Kinetic Framework Marketplace.

Epicor Kinetic application : Any application that is coded to Kinetic Design standards. They can be made available on the Apple or Android stores. Epicor will also create a marketplace for applications that ISV partners create

@Edge Any chance there is a list of what apps ISV’s are planning to release?

@jnbadger - We use concur, but their output for us is just the GL entry - not individual employee expenses. Works fine according to my Controller.

@John_Mitchell Good point! Maybe there are apps in the works, but I don’t see anything on the ISV solution gallery.

@MikeGross Okay, thanks for the reply. So you don’t process the AP transactions and invoices in Epicor?

How does the employee get reimbursed? Does Concur take care of the bank transactions?

I have created an interface to view approved expense reports and then process them into Epicor automatically to create the AP invoices using Epicor and Concur API’s.

Concur manages the approval workflow within their we interface and via email. We approve expense reports created/managed inside Concur’s interface. Concur even does a really good job at auditing for us. Once the report is approved, the employee gets a direct deposit straight from Concur. They also pay our AMEX account for each employee directly as well, so we don’t have to send AMEX money from our reimbursement. I’m told that certain expense types can also come out on a year-end tax report for the employees too… never seen that though. The mobile app is nice too. I do all my receipts via the app and don’t have to hold on to them.

Not everyone likes concur for one reason or another, but we use it heavily and like it. The web interface can also do trip planning and some other neat stuff

@tkoch this sounds promising. I’ll have to explore Concur further… Thank you!

@MikeGross wow, that sounds awesome! That was going to be my next question, regarding company credit card. We use Amex too and have been needing a way to process non-reimburseables, as Epicor doesn’t have a great solution. I will definitely be checking out Concur further!


We have Concur and have it on the list to try the same upload function.


BTW, we also use Concur. It’s very slick. My favorite feature is how it splits airline and hotel tickets up across multiple projects for you.

As for integration, there’s several ways. Like Mike, we currently pay employees out of Concur but that makes the integration a bit tougher. You need to add the expense to Epicor but you’re already accounting for it in Concur, so you need to choose who the source of the GL entry is going to be. We upload a flat file (not my favorite as you can tell) for the valid projects and phases as well as Field Service calls and lines. Concur does have a REST interface, so we SHOULD be able to upload the valid Project/Phase and Service Calls live from a BPM. One could also see pending “charges” against the project/service calls with a REST call in a customized Tracker.

Mark W.

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@Mark_Wonsil - we’re going to need to talk some more, seriously, about the project aspect of this. Going to Vegas? We’ve got a service arm and I’ve been trying to get them to do ANYTHING other than the paper trail they’ve been using… they do some things in Concur but not enough. And I’d like to do a more automated ETL pull from Concur as well… too much for this medium, so notes for a future conversation.

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@Mark_Wonsil Good information! Thank you for the feedback, Mark.

I would be interested in pulling Field Service expenses from Concur into Epicor Time and Expenses… Did someone say meeting up in Vegas?

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We use Concur for all expenses including Projects and Field Service but I’d like to revisit how we do it. Keep me posted.

@psiebers and @Mark_Wonsil - looks like we’ll need to set a few minutes aside for this conversation. I haven’t made any progress on this yet but I’ve got my controller on board for ‘any solution that makes life easier’ LOL!

Whats wrong with just Excel sigh :blush:

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For expenses or your entire Enterprise software? :roll_eyes:

Don’t laugh. It happens with and without ERP systems… :woman_facepalming:

I just found out that we are literally retyping line details from Concur’s site…

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